Jim Carrey made a weird video for Emma Stone, then spray-painted the side of his house. Should we be worried about him?
—Holio, via the inbox
Right, right. Because anybody who stencils the side of his own property—a studio, mind you, not his house—must suffer some sort of mental disorder. And beware to any aging actor hoping to use YouTube to buy fresh relevance with the kids: If you flop, you must have a serious case of the cray-crays! Still, because I love you, I ran your question past a real live therapist. And what she said surprised me ...
... because you're right. According to Dr. Jenn Berman, a psychologist in private practice in Beverly Hills, if you count yourself as a Carrey fan, worry away.
"This is troubling behavior," she confirms. "When we see outrageous behavior from a celebrity, sometimes we can chalk it up to a brilliant publicity stunt, but other times it's a reflection of a deeper issue.
"This isn't the first time that he has put something out there on Twitter or other social media that has been a little concerning."
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Should We Be Worried About Jim Carrey?
Hollywood Actor